about us

Aura Dim Sum is the celebration of a journey through Asia by Spanish-Brazilian couple Catarina and Jose.

What started as a fascination with Chinese cuisine resulted in apprenticeship in Singapore and London with some of the finest Dim Sum producers globally. Taking on the skills of the masters, the couple moved to Arraial D'ajuda in Brasil, a small beach town to open the country’s first Dim Sum bar right on the waters edge. It was a sensation.

After a few years it was time to come home and in 2020 Aura Dim Sum moved to Lisbon swiftly creating a name for itself in the culinary landscape of the city through private dinners, events, and residencies at top restaurants. Around about the same time, they met a client, who was fairly present in the Lisbon food scene. After many glasses of wine and events together, a synergy and vision was shared and Aura Dim Sum Lab was born.

The next step in the evolution of their brand. A space to produce more exciting flavours of dumplings, share the craft with clients, and send dumplings to different parts of Portugal. However, never losing the human touch and connection to every person involved in the journey.

Catarina Goya

Cata is the creative child behind aura’s recipes. She skilfully invents new and delicious recipes while staying true to tradition. She was born in brazil but grew up in lanzarote. Her passion for food started as a young girl when she would love to spend hours in the kitchen cooking for her family.

Jose Luis Suarez

Jose is the business half of the dynamic duo, responsible for aura’s product development, finances, and strategic position, along with making sure cata has everything she needs to create her recipes. Most importantly, he ensures there is always a mini beer on hand. Jose was born and raised in madrid before he moved to london and then lanzarote where he met his wife catarina.

Nadine Torterotot

Nadine, a french foodie living in spain, has been from the very beginning aura dim sum’s number one fan and cheerleader. When cata and jose were living in london, she introduced them to dumplings which marked the beginning of their culinary adventure. She has been there every step of the way, advising them on important decisions. It seems for her a natural and exciting evolution to officially partner up with aura dim sum.